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University Work, 2019-2022

A page dedicated to various projects created throughout my time at Florida Atlantic University.


Kimemi was a College assignment to illustrate work flow, layout, hierarchy, brand identity, and the design process. This project was to represent a detailed Brand for Ethiopian Cuisine. 

Kimemi/Product Design

cymk kim.png
process book draft logo.png

Design Brief

To design a sustainable system of packaging, including form and graphics, for Kimemi, a brand of Ethiopian imported foods including injera, nitter kibbeh, shiro powder, coffee, and other products.


Kimemi was established in 2016 in Addis Ababa. The name is derived from Amharic, Ethiopia’s official language, word for Spice. Ethiopian cuisine is full of rich spices and flavors and that is reflected in the company products. We produce high quality foods for the US national consumer markets. Kimemi s is known as a trusted provider Ethiopian flat bread (injera), butter (nitter kibbeh), and chickpea (shiro) powder, and more. The audience for this product is adventurous eaters and those enjoy unique spices and flavors.


Kimemi products are marketed in the USA. The product is sold in chain grocery stores such as Albertsons, Publix, and Whole Foods. Our products are placed in several locations with similar foods such as spices, bread, and dairy products. Competitor graphics in this category often feature photos or illustrations of the food. The package solutions are typically made of plastic cylindrical containers with lids, plastic resealable bags and vacuum sealed packaging. Tsiona, a competitor, is a distributor of gourmet Ethiopian foods who sells their products in resealable bags for stews and spice mixes, sealed chip bags for injera chips, and plastic cylindrical containers with lids for dips and sauces. The labeling for their products include a white background with photos of the products and an African tribal pattern to distinguish their brand.

Design Objectives

• Make use of recycled & recyclable materials
• Create right-sized package solution
• Consider material life cycle
• Package must contain, secure, protect, inform, function, market
• Graphics should be appetizing
• Package should facilitate convenience in consumption
• Graphics should reflect the culture of origin: Ethiopia
• Package should keep the product fresh

wireframe bebere.png
can bebere.png


RGB Magazine was a independent study created with InDesign. The goal was to create a magazine involving the intersection between the video game community and fashion. 

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p1 part 2.jpg
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